Thursday, November 10, 2011

Destroying Human Life: An Economic Policy

It is tempting I guess for some to make the assumption that every child from an unplanned pregnancy will end up on state welfare. And maybe it's tempting to believe that there isn't enough for all of us anyway. I have had a co-worker say to me in regards to abortion "you can't have it both ways" meaning, the fact that I am pro-life contradicts his assumption that I am "anti-welfare".

But I don't believe that the case is that every child from an unplanned pregnancy will end up on state welfare. Nearly the first child born to every extended member of my family that I know of were unplanned, and yet not one of us has ever been on welfare.

It's also curious to me that it seems that so many American couples looking to adopt are going overseas to China and Russia to adopt. Why is that? Is it that there are not enough babies here to adopt? Certainly a couple who can afford to adopt can keep an adopted child off the welfare dole.

How about looking at this another way? How about making the assumption that a child is not just a sponge sucking the resources out of a community, but instead an investment in the future of a community. If we look at this from a strictly economic view, children born in 1988 are just now entering the age (assuming college, etc) of working and paying taxes. At a rate of 1.2 million babies aborted per year since 1973, we are missing 18,000,000 tax payers right now! That's a lot of dough!

Children born since 1993 - 2006 do need community resources, they are called teachers. But, since we're missing more than 14,000,000 students right now, we are missing jobs for 50,000 teachers.

I'm no economist, there are far more schooled and intelligent people than I. But just a little googling can refute that destroying human life, at any stage is a sound economic policy. Not to mention the moral implications. I believe there is room enough for all of us. I believe we are selling ourselves terribly short by killing off our future.

Here's an article from someone far more schooled than me, and he has documentation to back up his facts. Check it out, keep and open mind. Give life a chance, for all of our sakes.