Saturday, March 24, 2012

Have you checked out my other project?

In January I started a blog where every day I featured a Pro-Life group or person:

So far, I have featured 76 Pro-Life Web-sites. It's been an education in itself and I've learned a lot and found many great resources. I am not done with the project but am taking a break from on-lilne activism until after Easter. When I come back, I will finish up the project with almost 30 more web-sites.

These groups should encourage the Pro-Lifer and scare the daylights out of the Pro-Abort.

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Pro-Choice "Anti-Human" Personality

As part of my on-line activism, I comment regularly on three abortion videos on YouTube. It has really been an education of the Pro-Choice crowd. Here is one example:

I am regularly insulted in the YouTube comboxes, although I have been able to engage a couple of adversaries in respectful dialogue. My experience is that the Pro-Choice side does not take the time to make a thoughtful argument, or maybe they don't have one. So the tactic is to bully Pro-Lifer's into leaving the conversation.

Pro-Lifer's that I have seen are resilient, we are doing important work. We must stay in the conversation. We must not be silent.

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Contraception: As Prophesied in 1968

Ever have one of those moments where you grow up and realize that your Dad was right?

  1. "Contraception opens wide the way for marital infidelity and a general lowering of moral standards."
  2. "man who grows accustomed to the use of contraceptive methods may forget the reverence due to a woman, and, disregarding her physical and emotional equilibrium, reduce her to being a mere instrument for the satisfaction of his own desire, no longer considering her as his partner whom he should surround with care and affection."
  3. "power passing into the hands of those public authorities who care little for the precepts of the moral law. Who will blame a government which in its attempt to resolve the problems affecting an entire country resorts to the same measures as are regarded as lawful by married people in the solution of a particular family difficulty?...Should they regard this as necessary, they may even impose their use on everyone."
Encyclical Letter Humanae Vitae, Pope Paul VI, July 25, 1968

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Why Contracepting May Cost Us Our Religious Freedom in the USA

Last week, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services announced that all employers, including Catholic employers, must purchase health insurance programs for their employees that include contraception, sterilization and abortion inducing drugs.

The U.S. Catholic Bishops have come out swinging and will not accept this mandate. The Catholic Church teaches that it is wrong to frustrate the marital act and prevent new life as a result. At least a couple of generations, mine and my parents have rejected this teaching and now we are at a real risk of losing even the possibility of practicing our faith authentically.

We Catholics have not done our Church any favors. According to this recent study, 98% of us our contracepting:

The natural consequence of this sin on our part is that the world does not take us or our faith seriously. Why would they when we don't? And now our faith and our church is under attack.

Abraham would not even withhold from God his only son Isaac! God Himself did not withhold His only Son for our salvation - and yet, how many sons and daughters have we withheld from God?

My husband and I permanently contracepted by sterilization after our second child was born. I was not Catholic, my husband was not practicing. Our parents had done the same thing when they believed their family was complete. We believed we couldn't afford to raise any more children. We believed that we were doing the socially responsible thing. I have over the years regretted not having more children. I feel a little cheated. I regret my lack of faith in God that is the root of all my sin.

I look at our Grandparents who managed to raise a bunch of kids in harder times than these. They had less technology, less modern conveniences, less money and they raised children faithfully and successfully. What our Grandparents lacked in resources, they made up for with abundant faith. We have lost our way and we don't believe we can do what they did.

That lack of faith in God and our God given ability to procreate and provide for children lead to hopelessness. Hopelessness contributes to abortion. I have read that 28% of women having abortions identify themselves as Catholic. Abortion like suicide, is an act of hopelessness.

So now because we as a people of faith, have failed to be faithful, we may lose the very essence of what it means to be Catholic, forfeiting it to the state.

God help us.

Saturday, January 28, 2012

We can have both: Dreams and Children

President Barack Obama says the 39th anniversary of Roe v. Wade is the chance to recognize the “fundamental constitutional right” to abortion and to “continue our efforts to ensure that our daughters have the same rights, freedoms, and opportunities as our sons to fulfill their dreams.”

Read more:

Why doesn't the President think we can have both dreams and children? And what does it say about him that he thinks that our sons have a better chance to fulfill their dreams because they can't carry a child? 

The first thing to realize is that a pregnancy changes a woman forever, no matter the outcome of it. You cannot undo what has been done. An abortion does not help us to fulfill our dreams, but instead creates a lifelong nightmare. 

The second thing is that women are capable of having children and fulfilling our dreams, one does not preclude the other.

And finally, I find it very ironic that the President does not think that the government should involve itself in "family matters" and yet the government surely does in fact intrude on my freedoms by forcing me and my church, a conscientious objector, to pay for abortions.

I hope this President does not get another term to further his Pro-abortion agenda. 

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

My Sisters in Russia

I have been noting with great interest the number of hits to my web-site from Russia. It's very curious to me, as it is more than 50% of the hits from the U.S. 

Since I am an American, my blog is from that experience. I have had only one abortion, but I have heard that it is not uncommon for Russian women to have many. And I wonder what curiosity, and maybe pain? brings them here to read what I have to say.

According to the attached article, Russia's abortion rate - 1.3 million, or 73 per 100 births in 2009 - is the world's highest.

I just have a feeling that a lot of Russian women may be hurting because of abortion:
The statistics bear it out.

I'm not sure if my blog provides any comfort at all or if there are any post-abortive services in Russia. I would just say this, perhaps you could reach out to and begin a ministry of healing for the women in your community. 

I wish you God's peace and love and forgiveness, Dear Sisters. You are in my prayers.

Saturday, January 7, 2012

Diverse Directory for Life

My new project is to high-light a different Pro-life organization daily to bring awareness to the diversity and scale of the Pro-Life movement in the U.S. I hope this will dispel myths that Pro-Lifer's are all old, fat, religious, white men who have no business impressing the servitude of motherhood onto women. 

The Pro-Life movement is made up of men and women of all ages, races, political and religious affiliations. I have found some lists and will look at one a day and post it here. I'm going to start with the ones that seem as far away from the stereotypical Pro-Lifer and work my way through the list. There are hundreds! So many in fact, I have had to start a new blog to contain them all!

Check it out:

Thursday, January 5, 2012

The Silence is Deafening

1.2 million abortions a year in the U.S. every year since 1973. That's a lot of women impacted by abortion. And yet, you really don't hear too many post-abortive women speaking about abortion. Why is that? My experience is that is because we have been shamed in to silence.

But, some brave souls will be Silent No More!

I admire these people and their courage. And I think about how there is no organizations of women who have had abortions who are standing up to defend the practice. At least none that I know of. It points to the stark truth of the matter: Abortion Hurts Women.

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Abortion Q&A with Jane Roe #15,938,000

I found this today while doing some research. This is the Planned Parenthood Abortion Q&A with Dr. Cullins.

As a post-abortive woman, I just had to respond, so here it goes:

Does having an abortion really lead to breast cancer?
Oh, well, well, well, well, well, Dr. Cullins, let's see the research supporting your claim! Five emphatic "No's" are not enough for me, state your scientific case please. These medical groups seem to think this is not a "dead" issue (pardon the pun) more evidence:

A friend told me that Bill O’Reilly said on his radio show that abortion is never needed to save a woman’s life.  Is that true?  Is abortion ever really necessary to save a woman’s life?
According to the Planned Parenthood Research arm: 
this threat to a woman's life doesn't come up very often, here are the reason you say women abort:
"Three-fourths of women cite concern for or responsibility to other individuals; three-fourths say they cannot afford a child; three-fourths say that having a baby would interfere with work, school or the ability to care for dependents; and half say they do not want to be a single parent or are having problems with their husband or partner."

What's wrong with having a 24-hour waiting period before abortion?
And, the woman may have a chance to discuss the abortion with her support system and decide to choose LIFE meaning Dr. Cullin's abortion business is out her $450. My Dad always said, "if it's a good deal today, it's a good deal tomorrow" which means never let anyone pressure you into making a decision, especially an irreversible LIFE and death decision without time to think about it.

I'm scheduled to get a D&C abortion next week. What will happen?
For the other side of the story, I suggest you watch this procedure presented by abortionist Bernard Nathanson: 

This abortion is performed on a baby at 12-weeks gestation. Check out what your baby looks like at just 9 weeks gestation: she has arms, legs, and a beating heart.

How accurate are pregnancy tests after abortion?
Always get an ultrasound from an organization who will not profit from you one way or another. It may be that your pregnancy is not even viable, which means you will miscarry and will not need an abortion at all. Find out from someone who doesn't have $450 to gain from you. Plenty of Crisis Pregnancy Centers offer these services free of charge!

Is having an abortion emotionally and psychologically dangerous?
Check out abortion regret stories:
It's disgusting that Planned Parenthood will not even acknowledge that some women feel pain and regret after abortion!

I hear you can get mifepristone online. Is that safe?
There are fewer and fewer real Doctors who are willing to enter the abortion business, so be very wary of the Abortion Industry trying to find new ways to peddle their wares! Also, check out this link, people who have been hurt are telling their story: 

My friend and I were arguing about abortion, and she said she heard that millions of women who have had abortions suffer from something called "post-abortion syndrome," which she says is just like post-traumatic stress syndrome. Is that true?
This is infuriating, and not in the service of women who truly do suffer after the choice to abort. I have suffered! Having this organization turn a blind eye to the after effects of abortion on women shows that they have one goal in mind, it's not your health, honey. If we weren't hurt by abortion, there would be no need for abortion healing services like thank God they're there and helping women.

I'm hearing that some states are banning abortion. Is Planned Parenthood still providing them? Where?
It's legal everywhere, unfortunately.

I saw a story in the New York Times about mifepristone being manufactured by a company in China that has been selling a tainted medication for leukemia. Does this mean that women won’t be able to use mifepristone for medication abortion anymore?
Please, if you have an unplanned pregnancy and need help GO first to a Crisis Pregnancy Center, their services are FREE and there is no obligation to do anything! Go there first, get information, go home, confide in someone you can trust, talk about it. Abortion isn't the only answer, it isn't a quick fix. You will carry that baby forever.

I regret my abortion!

Pro-Choice Misogyny

I have heard that to "force" a woman to continue her pregnancy is misogyny. But, my actual experience is quite the opposite in terms of the actual evidence on both sides of the debate.

Let's start with the abortionist that sucked my baby from my womb. This "doctor" was about as compassionate as the cold, hard instruments of death he used on me. I've had more care and compassion from my orthodontist!

Now, let's move on to after the abortion. In all of the Pro-Choice movement, there is nothing for a post-abortive woman. No after care. It's like the movement says, "we'll help you 'fix' your problem, but we won't be involved in any of the messy complications afterwards". Women are largely abandoned in our grief and in our regret.  Just call any abortion clinic and ask them about their post-abortive care - huh?

Even in the com-boxes I participate in YouTube, the Pro-Choicer's are less than complimentary of my regret for having had an abortion.

On the other hand, Pro-Lifers I have experienced have been compassionate in all cases!

Recently, I toured a Crisis Pregnancy Center that really does help women choose LIFE for their babies. What I hear is women's grateful success stories - thanking this organization for helping them choose LIFE! No regrets!

And compassionate Pro-Lifer's offer post-abortive after care, like in which I found peace finally after 20 years of suffering! This weekend retreat helps many women heal emotionally from the choice to abort.

Also in offering women a voice to express their pain and sorrow: and
also both Pro-Life!

Finally, in the com-boxes, it seems to me that the Pro-Lifer's seem to be a lot more compassionate about my regret, the Pro-Choicer's as I've said are at minimum annoyed by it.

So, for all the Pro-Choicer's TALK, my experience is that Pro-Choicer's are the misogynists, or have at least acted hateful towards me during and after my abortion.  My EXPERIENCE is that people in the Pro-Life movement walk the walk. They are compassionate, caring and in very practical ways making a positive difference in women's lives. One side causes regret, the other side causes relief. I know which side I'm on - do you?

Monday, January 2, 2012

My Future and a Change of Plans

"If the seed of springtime thought only of self, but never of the soil, the rain, and the sun, it would never bloom and blossom into flower and fruit. But once it forgets itself and goes outside itself, and even dies to seed-life for the sake of the soil and sun and air, lo! it finds itself renewed and beautified a thousand times." Fulton J. Sheen, "The Cross and the Beatitudes: Lessons on Love and Forgiveness"

I hear so many times the reason for aborting a baby is because it would interrupt the plans of the mother and father. When I hear this, I feel very sad for people who make this terrible choice for this reason. I think about my ideas about my life before I had kids, which were all very self-centered. I think about my life since and I know that my life is infinitely better because of my children! Of course, I did not know or think this possible pre-child.

Because of the opportunity to be a mom, I am a better person than I would have been otherwise. This is not to say that all women who are moms are better than those who are not, not at all! But it is to say, that for me in the person who I was prior to being a mom and the person I thought I wanted to be, in retrospect does not look all that happy and fulfilling to me. I'm glad that my path was changed by an unplanned pregnancy who is now a pretty awesome young man, followed by his sister who is also a pretty awesome young lady.

I wish there were a way to communicate this to young people facing an unplanned pregnancy. I know you think you cannot do this, or that you don't want your plans changed, but you don't know what the future holds. This crisis may in fact be a pivotal point in your life that brings you to a place of higher fulfillment! You can't imagine it now because you have other ideas, but you may actually look back at this "crisis" or "unplanned" pregnancy and be grateful!

This is hope, built on faith. Hope that the future can be filled with goodness, beauty and love. Faith in something you cannot see yet, your future, your baby, your life!