Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Abortion Q&A with Jane Roe #15,938,000

I found this today while doing some research. This is the Planned Parenthood Abortion Q&A with Dr. Cullins.

As a post-abortive woman, I just had to respond, so here it goes:

Does having an abortion really lead to breast cancer?
Oh, well, well, well, well, well, Dr. Cullins, let's see the research supporting your claim! Five emphatic "No's" are not enough for me, state your scientific case please. These medical groups seem to think this is not a "dead" issue (pardon the pun) more evidence:

A friend told me that Bill O’Reilly said on his radio show that abortion is never needed to save a woman’s life.  Is that true?  Is abortion ever really necessary to save a woman’s life?
According to the Planned Parenthood Research arm: 
this threat to a woman's life doesn't come up very often, here are the reason you say women abort:
"Three-fourths of women cite concern for or responsibility to other individuals; three-fourths say they cannot afford a child; three-fourths say that having a baby would interfere with work, school or the ability to care for dependents; and half say they do not want to be a single parent or are having problems with their husband or partner."

What's wrong with having a 24-hour waiting period before abortion?
And, the woman may have a chance to discuss the abortion with her support system and decide to choose LIFE meaning Dr. Cullin's abortion business is out her $450. My Dad always said, "if it's a good deal today, it's a good deal tomorrow" which means never let anyone pressure you into making a decision, especially an irreversible LIFE and death decision without time to think about it.

I'm scheduled to get a D&C abortion next week. What will happen?
For the other side of the story, I suggest you watch this procedure presented by abortionist Bernard Nathanson: 

This abortion is performed on a baby at 12-weeks gestation. Check out what your baby looks like at just 9 weeks gestation: she has arms, legs, and a beating heart.

How accurate are pregnancy tests after abortion?
Always get an ultrasound from an organization who will not profit from you one way or another. It may be that your pregnancy is not even viable, which means you will miscarry and will not need an abortion at all. Find out from someone who doesn't have $450 to gain from you. Plenty of Crisis Pregnancy Centers offer these services free of charge!

Is having an abortion emotionally and psychologically dangerous?
Check out abortion regret stories:
It's disgusting that Planned Parenthood will not even acknowledge that some women feel pain and regret after abortion!

I hear you can get mifepristone online. Is that safe?
There are fewer and fewer real Doctors who are willing to enter the abortion business, so be very wary of the Abortion Industry trying to find new ways to peddle their wares! Also, check out this link, people who have been hurt are telling their story: 

My friend and I were arguing about abortion, and she said she heard that millions of women who have had abortions suffer from something called "post-abortion syndrome," which she says is just like post-traumatic stress syndrome. Is that true?
This is infuriating, and not in the service of women who truly do suffer after the choice to abort. I have suffered! Having this organization turn a blind eye to the after effects of abortion on women shows that they have one goal in mind, it's not your health, honey. If we weren't hurt by abortion, there would be no need for abortion healing services like thank God they're there and helping women.

I'm hearing that some states are banning abortion. Is Planned Parenthood still providing them? Where?
It's legal everywhere, unfortunately.

I saw a story in the New York Times about mifepristone being manufactured by a company in China that has been selling a tainted medication for leukemia. Does this mean that women won’t be able to use mifepristone for medication abortion anymore?
Please, if you have an unplanned pregnancy and need help GO first to a Crisis Pregnancy Center, their services are FREE and there is no obligation to do anything! Go there first, get information, go home, confide in someone you can trust, talk about it. Abortion isn't the only answer, it isn't a quick fix. You will carry that baby forever.

I regret my abortion!