Monday, December 19, 2011

You can't possibly be a thinking person, if you don't think like me.

I see this kind of arrogance all the time in the comboxes and on Facebook. It's really quite maddening. I'm trying to take a step back right now and make sure that I am not falling into the same camp. I think it's important to speak our views, even critical on issues such as abortion where there is a definable victim.

But I resent the implication from opposing view points that I am just a "lemming" because my education and experience has led me to a different conclusion. The part that is so offensive is the idea that I have come to the conclusions I have with absolutely no thought, contemplation or study. That to think something so "stupid" I must just be following along with the ignorant masses, while the more "educated and thoughtful" intellectuals have it all figured out.

Well, I have studied, I have reviewed the facts and I have a little experience in this life which have led me to some conclusions that I am quite comfortable with. I respect the journey of others and understand that as time, education and experience reveal certain truths in peoples lives, their viewpoint may or may not change as a result.

The bottom line is respecting the others journey. Respecting that as human beings, we all struggle through life and try to make sense of a world that often does not make sense.